PLEASE READ: This service is in BETA TESTING.
This means that we have done our best to ensure the service works as described but it could have flaws as it is still in TESTING.
We have been getting a lot of requests for this feature so we wanted to push it out as soon as possible.
Additionally, this service may experience outages as development continues.
Please send any feedback to

We had originally planed to charge for this feature as it required significantly more work than the primary website, however, we have gotten so many nice and supportive emails from the community that we decided to offer this service for free.
That being said, Donations are always appreciated and will ensure the longevity of this service.

Get Email or Text notification when:

Usage: Input your email in the space then hit Submit.
To add a phone number use the follow extensions:
Example: Phone Number is 555-555-5555 and provider is verizon
Input "" in the box, no quotes
Do not include the dashes in your phone number!